Performing as the Bellatzer Sisters, Ella and her family continued their tour.

A card dropped in the mail in Kansas City and postmarked the 16th of February notes a two hour layover before they could board a train to Chicago.

A second card, also postmarked the same day from Kansas City adds a little more detail and her plans to soon send a letter. The letters were not included in the collection.

Postcards to Ella are sent to Chicago, addressed general delivery, from Seattle on February 18, but don't catch up to her until March 9th.

Donat's cards from Vancouver are sent to the Hippodrome in Cleveland, Ohio. Another stop on the tour for the sisters was Shedys Theater in Fall River, Mass.

Donat was off to Spokane, Washington, where he lost his fountain pen, then to Missoula, Montana, where he wrote about a fire and his new pen. Ella was on her way to New York City. She would settle at 265 W 38th Street in what appears to be an apartment or boarding house. The sisters were on a break from the road.

From the Times Square Station she sent Easter greetings to her husband as he made his way across Colorado.

Based on the postmarks, he spent around six weeks in and around the Denver area.

In Billings, on March 31st, he spoke of the snow, and his desire to get to Denver.

On April 7th from Denver, he sent Easter greetings, followed a day later by a Birthstone card to his bride. Her birthday would arrive at the end of the month.

Around April 12, he played his first show at the Earl Theater in Pueblo, Colorado after a week in Denver.
He sent Ella this card, joking
"Send money, I am stranded. I am walking to New York to see my D."

Donat would often use an abbreviation of "D. E." to start his cards.

On May 4th Donat celebrated his birthday.

"I hope we want have (sic) as many."

He followed the Colorado Springs shows with a week in Cripple Creek, a former ranching area that boomed with the discovery of gold in 1891. "It's 12,000 feet above the Sea Level," noted Donat. "Its very hard to breed (sic)."

On May 21 he dropped a card in the mail with an image of the U.S. Government building in Kansas City. It was postmarked Chicago. After months on the road, separated from his wife, Donat was finally headed home.

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